This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
by CO. H . TRAN .
Vietnam & Copyright 2004 November 06 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** Abstract : The Van der Pol differential quation is solved by averaging method . ** Subjects: Vibration Mechanics , The Differential equations . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Introduction This worksheet demonstrates Maple's capabilities in finding the graphical solution and dealing with the stability of the steady state solution of Van der Pol 's differential equation . All rights reserved. Copying or transmitting of this material without the permission of the authors is not allowed . We consider the Van Der Pol differential equation :
Generally the Van Der Pol differential equation can be expressed by :
[3]In the special case let
the equation will be rewritten as : 

By using the transform
and substitute these relations to ( 2 ) it follows :

[5] Thus we begin with :
[6] To normalize this equation we find the solution which is expressed in the form x = acos ( t + γ )It is advantageous to write ϕ = t + γ then the solution will be x = acosϕ [7]From the transform x = acosϕ , x' =
asin ϕ . We have x" = dx'/dt =
acosϕ . ϕ' By substituting to ( 6 ) , it gives
a cosϕ.ϕ '+a cosϕ
μ (1
ϕ ).(
a sinϕ ) = 0 [8]In the other hand dx/dt = x' = a'cosϕ
asinϕ .ϕ' =
asinϕ [9] Obviously we reach to the following system of differential equations
> |
Warning, the name GramSchmidt has been rebound | |
Warning, the protected names norm and trace have been redefined and unprotected |
> |
(1) |
> |
(2) |
> |
(3) |
> |
(4) |
> |
By using the symbols a(tt) = a'(t) , ϕ(tt) = ϕ'(t) [11] Execute the averaging method for a'(t) and ϕ'(t) , we have
> |
(5) |
> |
(6) |
> |
The expressions of a' and ϕ' are calculated in the forms : a' = μ <
> =
ϕ' = μ <
> =
The steady state solution occurs when a0 = 0 or a0 = 2 If a0 = 0 then x = x' = 0 this is a trivial solution ( equilibrium ) . If a0 = 2 then x = 2cosϕ and x' = -2sinϕ . [14] The necessary and sufficient condition for solution stability includes a' = da/dt = Ψ(a) with Ψ(ao) = 0 and Ψ'(ao) <>
> |
(7) |
> |
(8) |
> | subs(a=2,DaohamcuaPsi(a)); |
> | print("Gia tri cua a''(t) tai a = 2 la : a''(2) = ",subs(a=2,DaohamcuaPsi(a))); |
> | subs(a=0,DaohamcuaPsi(a)); |
> | print("Gia tri cua a''(t) tai a = 0 la : a''(0) = ",subs(a=0,DaohamcuaPsi(a))); |
(9) |
> |
Thus if ao = 0 , a"(0) =
then the solution is not stable .
If ao = 0 , a"(0) =
then the solution is stable asymtotically.
Note : By solving the equation ( 12 ) for the vibration amplitude a(t) ( slowly varying coefficients ) then finding the solution expression x(t) of Van Der Pol differential equation , we get
> | a0(tt); |
> | diff_eq:= diff(a(t),t)=-mu*a(t)*(-4+(a(t)^2))/8; |
> | init_con:=a(0)=ao;biendo:=[dsolve({diff_eq,init_con}, {a(t)})]; |
> | x:=biendo[1]*cos(phi); |
(10) |
> |
with ϕ = t + γ . [15]
> |
(11) |
> |
Warning, the previous bindings of the names RationalCanonicalForm and adjoint have been removed and they now have an assigned value |
> | with(plots):a:=0.5;y:=t->2*cos(t + gamma)/sqrt((a^2-a^2*exp(-0.1*t)+4*exp(-0.1*t))/a^2); |
> | plot(y(t),t=0..4*Pi); |
> | animate(plot,[2*cos(x*t + gamma)/sqrt((a^2-a^2*exp(-0.1*t)+4*exp(-0.1*t))/a^2),x=0..4*t],t=0..Pi,frames=100 ); |
> |
Use graphical method to consider the solution stability of Van Der Pol's differential equation :
> | restart;with(DEtools):mu:=0.5; |
> | DEplot({(D@@2)(x)(t)+x(t)-mu*(1-x(t)^2)*D(x)(t)=0},{x(t)},t=-10..50,[[x(0)=1,D(x)(0)=1]],stepsize=0.05,title=`Nghiem on dinh cua pt Van Der Pol`); |
> |
3 . Conclusion . From graphical results , we reach to conclusion that the steady state solution stability of Van Der Pol's diffential equation must be precise and estimating the property of solution obtained is very necessary . As presented above , we might also use the normalization to ( 2 ) by determining the non-trivial solution in the form
with k = 1
Substitute x ' to ( 6 ) after simplifying it follows : 
> |
> | f:=vector([[0], [mu*F]]); |
> | V:=linsolve(A,f); |
Warning, the name GramSchmidt has been rebound | |
Warning, the protected names norm and trace have been redefined and unprotected | |
(12) |
> |
We rewrite the expressions of M' =
N' =
Use averaging method for ( 17 ) we get :
M ' = μ <- Fsint > =
N' = μ <> =
The steady state solution exists when M = 0 and N = 0 ( trivial solution ) Or M = 2 or M = -2 and N = 0
Thus x = 2cost , x =
2cost If M = 0 and N = 0 or N = 4 Then x = 4sint The steady state solutions can be formed generally :
But these forms are equivalent to x = 2cosϕ [ see ( 14 ) ]
Next we begin with Krylov - Bogoliubov approximate method for the Van der Pol's differential equation
) x ' , and μ is a small constant .
The solution will be estimated by x = r(t) cosϕ(t)
By taking the first order approximate terms ( neglecting the second and third order errors of constant μ ) we can find the amplitude r(t) and the global phase function ϕ(t) from the following system
If the initial condition r(0) = ro is satisfied then the solution of ( 15 ) will be equivalent to the solution of second order linear differential equation
with the error of estimation based on the order of
The first order approximate is noticeable in the case of periodic vibration , because the equivalent linear differential equation gives us the accumulation and dissipation of energy based on vibration period which we might obtain from the given non-linear differential equation . Therefore it is useful to apply the equivalent second linear differential equation to observe the non-linear resonant phenomenon .REFERENCES
[1] Menh .C. Nguyen , Dao dong phi tuyen , Manuscript , Vien Co hoc , Hanoi 2002 . [2] Korn . G , Korn . T ., So tay toan hoc , Trans Vietnamese , NXB DH-THCN , Hanoi 1978
Legal Notice: Maplesoft, a division of Waterloo Maple Inc. 2009. Maplesoft and Maple are trademarks of Waterloo Maple Inc. Neither Maplesoft nor the authors are responsible for any errors contained within and are not liable for any damages resulting from the use of this material. This application is intended for non-commercial, non-profit use only. Contact the authors for permission if you wish to use this application in for-profit activities.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
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Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.
Albert Einstein .
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