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Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 7, 2009

My works Online MAGAZINE

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Co Hong Tran

Saigon , Vietnam
Member since 5 week(s)
Personal Information: Date of Birth: 1959 Place of Birth: Saigon Citizenship: Vietnam . I. DEGREES Ph.D. Student ,ASU - Assistant Professor NCU-HUI . M.Sc. Mathematics Applied Mechanics , VNU University of Natural Sciences , HCMC , Vietnam , 2007 .... [More]

My publications

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THE SOLUTION STABILITY OF VAN DER POL’S EQUATION . by CO. H . TRAN . HUI - NCU HCMC Vietnam coth123@math. com & cohtran@math. com Copyright 2004 November 06 2004... [More]
Viewed 29 times
11 pages
Numerical and Graphical Solutions of Duffing Equation by CO. H . TRAN & PHONG . T . NGO - University of Natural Sciences , HCMC Vietnam coth123@math. com & coth123@yahoo. com Copyright 2006 Jan 06... [More]
Viewed 3 times
19 pages

The Average Approximating Method On Functional Adjustment Quantity For Solving The Volterra Integral Equation II

THE AVERAGE APPROXIMATING METHOD ON FUNCTIONAL ADJUSTMENT QUANTITY FOR SOLVING The Volterra Integral Equation II ( corrected for solving integral equations with Hereditary kernels ) by Co. H Tran ,... [More]
Viewed 10 times
28 pages
VIBRATION IN A CABLE HOIST. by CO. H . TRAN - NCU - HUI , HCMC Vietnam mailto:coth123@math. com cohtran@math. com Copyright 2007 March 06 2007... [More]
Viewed 23 times
9 pages
THE NON-LINEAR VIBRATION MODEL by CO. H . TRAN - University of Natural Sciences , HCMC Vietnam coth123@math. com & coth123@yahoo. com Copyright 2006 Feb 06 2006... [More]
Viewed 21 times
29 pages

Finite Difference Method And The Lame's Equation In Hereditary Solid Mechanics

FINITE DIFFERENCE METHOD AND THE LAME S EQUATION IN HEREDITARY SOLID MECHANICS . by Co. H Tran & Phong . T . Ngo , University of Natural Sciences , HCMC Vietnam - coth123@math. com , coth123@yahoo.... [More]
Viewed 24 times
9 pages
THE SOLUTION OF A VARIABLE BOUNDARY PROBLEM Co. H. Tran - Phong . T. Ngo Faculty of Mathematics, University of Natural Sciences - VNU-HCM coth123@math. com & cohtran@math. com Copyright 2007 August... [More]
Viewed 21 times
25 pages

Numerical - Graphical Solutions Of The Non-Linear Vibration Model with discrete data input

NUMERICAL - GRAPHICAL SOLUTIONS OF THE NON-LINEAR VIBRATION MODEL with discrete data input by CO. H . TRAN University of Natural Sciences, HCMC Vietnam coth123@math. com & coth123@yahoo. com Copyright... [More]
Viewed 20 times
13 pages

Solving The Viscous Composite Cylinder Problem By Sokolov’s Method

1 SOLVING THE VISCOUS COMPOSITE CYLINDER PROBLEM BY SOKOLOV’S METHOD By CO . H . TRAN , PHONG . T. NGO Faculty of Mathematics & Informatics , University of Natural Sciences – VNU-HCM Abstract... [More]
Viewed 22 times
12 pages

The Relaxation function problem of an orthotropic cylinder .

· For Engineering Design For Scientific Research For Operations Research For Financial Analysis For Academic Instruction For Academic Research For Students For Testing & Assessment Maple 13 MapleSim 2 Maple... [More]
Viewed 27 times
17 pages
***INVESTIGATING ON THE POWER SPECTRAL DENSITY OF DUFFING’S EQUATION BY EQUIVALENT LINEARIZATION METHOD By CO . H . TRAN . Faculty of Mathematics & Informatics , University of Natural Sciences –... [More]
Viewed 103 times
7 pages

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